Welcome! We believe in educating you from start to finish. Each person goes on many adventures that are big and small. Through our thorough assessment we know that each person is unique and has different requirements.

Janel Cracknell is the owner of Sock & Sole. Her passion for health is contagious. She has always followed a whole-health approach lifestyle.
Janel graduated from Brock University with honours in Kinesiology focusing in Biomechanics and Health Promotion. She went on to study her Masters in Health and Physical Education, and completed an evaluation on an international project with the World Bank in Washington, D.C. As much as she enjoyed working for an international platform, Janel believes in creating impact for health and well-being within her community. She is currently on the Board Executive for Oakville Lacrosse.
Our qualified team will take the time to ensure you are educated on our devices and create treatment plans for long lasting results. We have also have a certified fitter in Compression Therapy and its applications in the Management of Chronic Venous Disorders, and a certified fitter for Bracing and Supports.
Janel believes you deserve the support.